The number one recommended Asset on the Unity store, and by ALL game dev channels you can find. After hearing so many praises about it, and even having seen it mentionned in several jobs offers, I was rather impatient to see what it has to offer.
The first case I wanted to use it was to improve the Progression system. Which was nothing but a monstrous ScriptableObject with Arrays inside Dictionnary and again inside Dictionnary.
This make a file which is very cumbersome to use. And very prone to versioning conflicts with several peoples trying to make changes on the enemies data. And this is just with four Characters class (like player, archer, grunt, mage). The more the game grew bigger and complex, the more it will be unsustainable it will be.
Instead of relying one a single file, I made reduce its scope. Every Character class has to create a new SO ProgressionCharacterClass, just for her.
Then, inspired by the demo for a Data Manager by the Sirenix channel (, I also made one to list every single Asset of typeof(ProgressionCharacterClass).
With some Odin Attributes (mainly GUIColor and TableList), I got a result that is much better that the original design.
As a nice finishing touch, I have the GUIColor selected the color based by the value of the Stat enum, by a callback function.
I can tell that I am only scratching the surface of what Odin can do, but just for what I have already done, I am happy with my purchase.