During the GameDev Guild event organized by Jason Weimann, I was able to join a ‘Mastermind’ group of others games developpers. With a few of them, we decided to participate in the GameDev.tv Jam 2023 .
The theme chosen was ‘Life in 2 dimensions!’ .
We decided to make a game in… well 2D, but also being able to become a ghost after death, and being able to switch back to life.
The story is inspired by the movie John Wick, with a touch of humour.
It was nice to being able to collaborate with other developers on a game project for the first time. We didn’t encounter difficulties to communicate with one another, despite being from 4 differents nationalities (french, italian, american, russian). The distribution of tasks was rather easy, and I was in charge of the UI + sounds implementation.
But we learn the hard way some lessons on how to work together on a Unity project, like :
- To make a prefab out of almost everything to avoid scene conflict
- You should also make pre-emptive nested prefabs, even if nothing on it, to avoid lather conflicts. Like a prefab for Sounds under the Player prefab.
- Pull often, and dont take too long to merge a branch.
- Using a ‘Temp’ folder, not versionned by Git, to test things, like a duplicate scene from the one currently under work.
You can see the results of the game jam here : https://itch.io/jam/gamedevtv-jam-2023/rate/2091119