One essential part in any gameplay is the creation of VFX. I take a bit of time to follow the course Niagara is truly amazing in what you can accomplish with it, once you understand better the modules, how to use them, or to even create them if necessary. I was also able to…
Author: admin3851
Unreal Gameplay Ability System Demo
I took a course on Udemy to learn about the Gameplay Ability System, created inside the Unreal Engine, for the game Paragon. Its was certainly the most extensive and advanced course that I have followed on game development.Rather than simply finishing it, I took another 3 months to make my own RPG Systems. The most…
Unreal Mini-Games (September 2023)
Following the recent news about Unity and their pricing model, I thought it was time to branch out and try my hand at the Unreal engine. I followed another great course from, and make 4 smalls games .
Hollow Knight (and Behavior Trees)
After working with States Machines in several demos/projects, I decided to give a try to another approach for designing AI behavior, know as Behavior Trees. I was able to find two excellent tutorials by Dominik Hackl : and It is not a perfect reproduction of the two fights of the game, but it…
GameJam : Quest of the lost hound (May 2023)
During the GameDev Guild event organized by Jason Weimann, I was able to join a ‘Mastermind’ group of others games developpers. With a few of them, we decided to participate in the Jam 2023 . The theme chosen was ‘Life in 2 dimensions!’ . We decided to make a game in… well 2D, but…
Souls-like Gameplay
This is an attempt to reproduce a Souls-like gameplay. There are only three types of enemies but they have different attacks (ranged, melee, and even jumping upon the player), with different animations. The models and the animations all come from The most interesting thing was the development of a true State Machine system for…
The power of the Odin Inspector
The number one recommended Asset on the Unity store, and by ALL game dev channels you can find. After hearing so many praises about it, and even having seen it mentionned in several jobs offers, I was rather impatient to see what it has to offer. The first case I wanted to use it was…
Unity UI Builder
The Unity uGUI system is quite powerful and once I get the hang of it, I has able to make the UI for an Inventory, a Shop, Dialogues, and other things for the player to interact with. But I also found it quite messy, with a lot of strange bugs happening. So when I heard…
Unity custom EditorWindow and PropertyDrawer
I’ve always had a tendency to try to automate and improve the processes I have to perform. This is also how I ended up realizing that I had a taste for programming, and that I changed path, moving away from a career in human resources. As examples, in my web development agency, I participated in…
RPG Project (August 2022)
Made by following the course RPG Bundle Notables points: C# intermediate coding with interfaces, delegates, and co-routines. Prevention of Race conditions. Cinematic creation with Cinemachine, Timeline, DollyTrack, and Animator. Saving system, with Dynamic Resource Loading. Interact with the others systems (Inventory, Quests tracker, Health and attributes, Position, Shops, etc). Combat system Different weapons, with…